The site is located in the open countryside near Chester. The proposal seeks to replace three dilapidated cottages with a new high quality dwelling, that is sympathetic to the site and its surroundings. The proposal has been designed in a contemporary style, whilst taking cues from the character of the existing buildings around Brown Knowl.
Key considerations throughout the design process have included; a suitable form for the proposed dwelling, a high quality palette of materials and an appropriate scale of building, to ensure the building has a minimal impact on longer views back towards the site. Our clients’ aspirations are to create a dwelling that is in keeping within the surrounding context, looks agricultural in appearance, takes advantage of long views to the North, East and South and features a carefully considered landscaping design that helps the building to sit maturely within its context.
The built form creates a series of outdoor spaces that take advantage of the orientation of the site, shelter from the wind and capture long views to the north and short views to the south and east that have been designed to be used at different times of the day.
The internal layout of the accommodation has been arranged to maximise views and respond to the sun path and shadows across the site. The arrangement of the plan creates a private external courtyard, which receives uninterrupted direct sunlight throughout the year. The two wings to the east and west provide private living accommodation and bedrooms, which will also receive the greatest amount on morning and evening sun. The two wings are connected by a social space which contains the kitchen and dining space, which is largely glazed to the North and South elevation, thus taking in longer views to the North and South.
Awards :
MSA Awards 2021//
- One off House un-built SHORTLIST